June 14th, 2018: During his current World Tour, singer and songwriter Harry Styles has chosen to support various local charities by donating the proceeds from the sale of some of the tickets to his shows and his merchandise. While in Scotland at Glasgow recently (April 14th, 2018), he chose to give support to a special conference named The Soul of Women which is an event preceding the World Peace Festival. The World Peace Festival is held at the World Peace Prayer Society Sanctuary in Dumfries and Galloway. Dumfries is home to Clare Uchima, the keyboard player and vocalist of Harry’s band on tour. Clare’s parents are both very involved, with her mum being the director of Allanton World Peace Sanctuary and her father being the chef and the person who hand-crafts their world peace poles.

According to BBC a spokesperson for the event, Glenda Thornton, stated they “were very thankful” for Harry Styles’s support and the funding was being used for the conference which is “everybody and anybody” to attend; she further explained “it is to explore how we can create a more balanced world”.



This June 23rd will be the second Soul of WoMen event held, with its focus on balancing the masculine and feminine qualities in ourselves, communities, and the world. Throughout the day the participants will be focusing on how to inspire and empower a more gender-balanced world.

According to their World Peace Festival website, there will be key guest speakers, round-table discussions, and workshops seeking to answer the question: How can we create a more balanced world locally and globally, wherein qualities within us all are working in harmony?

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This conference is not the only work done with The World Peace Initiative. The Allanton World Peace Sanctuary, for example, works to educate through a program called the ‘Peace Prevails Programme’ which they began in 2005. This program trains teachers who work with the next generation children of the world to incorporate within their daily school education an awareness of what world peace can be and how it might look for the future. The specific course teachers can take is called “May Peace Prevail On Earth” and is available online to educators around the world. The Allanton World Peace Sanctuary hopes through this initiative to expose educators all over the world to the idea of World Peace, with the hope that this idea can be passed on to the next generation.

The World Peace Festival, which follows the Soul of WoMen event, is on June 24th and consists of a World Peace Flag ceremony, live music, and many diverse workshops that celebrate the cultural diversity of humanity.

More information about the event or how to make a donation to give your support can be found here.

Pictures credit to Helene Pambrun and the World Peace Festival website. Clare Uchima’s picture was taken by a fan, to whom we give credit.