July 26th, 2019: On July 9th, 2012, Harry Styles’ mom Anne Twist posted on her youtube channel, a video of her husband Robin Twist getting his chest waxed for charity. The charity that benefited from the “waxing” fundraising event was Believe in Magic.

Robin Twist, who unfortunately passed away from cancer since then in June of 2017, is seen laying on a table and being waxed by different people, who all “paid” for the privilege to wax Robin’s chest and donate funds to Believe in Magic. In the video’s description, Anne left the following comment:

“Robin (@robintwist) was very brave on Saturday night and had his chest waxed (or at least partially!) to raise money for Believe in Magic. The event was videoed and this is a little bit of evidence of how it went. The waxing raised in excess of £2000 so thank you Robin for putting yourself through it and thank you to all you generous / sadistic folk who paid for the privilege (& to Harry who paid for me to pull off a strip! ooohh)”

Believe in Magic was founded by a brave young lady named Meg Bhari. Meg was diagnosed at age 16 with brain cancer for which she underwent more than 20 operations and multiple rounds of chemotherapy. In 2011, together with her mom Jean, Meg founded the charity with the idea of turning her own suffering and understanding of the challenges faced by children and young people affected by serious illnesses, into something positive and helpful to others. And this is how Believe in Magic was born! Believe in Magic operated in the belief that children affected by serious and life-shortening illnesses, should not be robbed of the magic that is typical of childhood. To achieve this goal, the charity organized all sorts of events and experiences for sick children, all of which helped these children create long-lasting and fun memories.

The charity started to gain traction shortly after it was founded, when Harry Styles’ mom, Anne Twist accepted the challenge to climb the Kilimanjaro to raise funds for them (article). Following Anne’s involvement, One Direction became also involved and supported this charity both by wearing Believe in Magic wristbands at the BBC Teen Awards in 2011 and by offering a prizeo fundraiser to a Meet 1D in 2015.

Shortly after Anne Twist started to support Believe in Magic, Louis Tomlinson’s mom Johannah Deakin, became also involved. Together with Louis, Johannah organized two main events for this charity: a Christmas party in December of 2014 and the Cinderella Ball in August of 2015. It was reported that the Cinderella Ball raised millions of dollars for the charity, at least 2 million of which were directly donated by Louis Tomlinson.

Unfortunately, on April 3rd, 2018 we reported that Meg Bhari had passed away in the early hours of March 29th, following the worsening of her conditions in the previous year and a half and the discovery on another tumor in her brain (article). Sadly, prior to Meg’s death, Believe in Magic had also gotten its accounts frozen and its website was taken down due to an investigation by the Charity Commission for failing to file its annual accounts. The website has not been reinstated since then.

In the years that Beleive in Magic was operative, it helped hundreds of seriously ill children fulfill their dreams and fill their lives with beautiful memories. Both Harry Styles’ and Louis Tomlinson’s families were very strong supporters of this charity, as the “waxing” fundraiser with Robin Twist testifies.