April 7th, 2020: On the Crew Nation (Global Relief Fund for Live Music Crews) website, Harry Styles is listed as one of the musicians that contributed to this fund which was started to provide support to music crews around the world during the coronavirus crisis.

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Due to the spreading of the new coronavirus SARS-cov-2 and the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, the vast majority of the tours, concerts, and festivals have been canceled around the world. One group of people that is suffering the most from these cancellations and that are often forgotten are crew members. These are people that work behind the scenes and that ensure that shows proceed smoothly by taking care of every single aspect of a music concert from the stage set up, to lights, equipment, sound, recording, and many more.

The Crew Nation fund will be administered by the Music Forward Foundation, a charitable 501c3 organization and was launched in collaboration with Live Nation who has committed $10 million to the fund, with five million having been donated already and the other five that will be donated by matching donations from the music industry. Indeed, donations from music giants such as U2, Lady Gaga, Cher, The Eagles, Madonna, and many more are pouring in.

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It is really telling that the fund will be administered by the Music Forward Foundation, a nonprofit that empowers the next generation of leaders and innovators of the music industry. Indeed, this underscores the strong connections between this charity and industry professionals and the fact that leaders in the industry understand the key role that music crews play in making sure that artists can perform live.

In addition to receiving donations, Crew Nations is also raising funds by selling merchandise on its website. If you are interested in supporting Crew Nation, please visit their website.

The cover picture is credited to Harry Styles’ Twitter account and depicts Harry with his tour crew.