Jun 17th, 2020: Today Liam Payne posted on Twitter in support of Crew Nation, the Global Relief Fund for Live Music Crews. In his tweet, Liam says that his live shows would not possible without the work of the crew behind the scenes and thus he is encouraging everyone to visit the Crew Nation website and either donate or purchase merchandise. In his tweet, Liam posted two pictures of himself wearing a Crew Nation hoodie.

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The spreading of the new coronavirus SARS-cov-2 and the development of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused the cancellation of dozens of tours, concerts, and festivals across the world. These cancellations have hit people working behind the scenes particularly hard. So crews need support more than everybody else. As Liam said, without these people, shows will not be possible as they make sure that shows proceed smoothly by taking care of every single aspect of a music concert from the stage set up, to lights, equipment, sound, recording, and many more.

Crew Nation recently established a fund to support the needs of music crews around the world to which Live Nation has already committed $10 million. Five million have been already donated and the other five will be donated by people in the music industry. Indeed, donations have been pouring in; some of the artists that have donated are U2, Lady Gaga, Cher, The Eagles, Madonna, and Liam’s former bandmate Harry Styles.

The fund will be administered by the Music Forward Foundation, a nonprofit that empowers the next generation of innovators in the music industry. This underscores that  industry professionals fully understand the key role that music crews play in making sure that artists can perform live.