September 6th, 2020: During his recent online show, Liam Payne announced that he would donate some of his clothes to be sold via the Closet, an online store that sells slightly used celebrity clothes. Liam said that the funds raised would be donated to charity. We have confirmation now that Liam is donating all the proceeds to the Trussell Trust. Liam had already made a substantial donation to this charity via the sale of special tickets to his show that included an autographed picture and merchandise (article). Moreover, Liam made another donation to the Trussell Trust during the early days of the covid-19 pandemics, and he has even gone to help with food distribution at one of their food banks (article).

The Trussell Trust is a network of more than 1,200 food banks that operates in the UK. It was founded in 1997 by a british couple, the Henderson, and initially, it kept its operations only in Bulgaria, where it supported children who were living at the Sofia Central Railway Station. In 2000 though, following the appeal of a mother who was unable to provide for her two children, the charity started working in the UK.

The Trussell Trust has become so big in the UK, that it actually supports more than 2/3 of the food banks in the territory, distributing more than 1.6 million meals per year. In the last few years, the Trussell Trust has noticed that there is an increased demand for food banks, suggesting that more an more families live under the poverty line in the UK. With the covid-19 pandemic, this problem has only grown, making it so important for anybody who can, to support this charity. Liam has been particularly sensitive to the issue of food insecurity in the UK and has done a lot of work during the pandemic to support in any way in could, this deserving charity.

In order to provide meals to whoever is in need, the Trussell Trust collects non-perishable food that is donated by the public at locations such as schools, churches, supermarkets, and businesses. The food is then sorted by an army of volunteers and is organized in individual emergency food parcels that are then distributed to people in need.

The Trussell Trust also works to secure a future where food banks will become obsolete. The charity indeed works with individual families to help them identify the causes of their food insecurity and to find solutions. The Trussell Trust does also a lot of research on the causes of poverty and food insecurity. For example,  the charity is currently carrying out a three-year research project in collaboration with Heriot-Watt University, called the State of Hunger. Also, the charity campaigns for change by sharing its findings with policymakers and the public, to make sure everyone understands the state of hunger and poverty in the UK.

The card below is added to the shipment of the item of clothing (via @Shelleyann1817)

If you want to help support the Trussell Trust by purchasing an item of clothing previously worn by Liam, head over to the Closet website.