October 13th, 2020: Yesterday Niall Horan teased on twitter that a big announcement was coming up and today he tweeted that on November 7th he will be performing on livestream at the Royal Albert Hall. More importantly though, Niall announced that the proceeds from the sale of the tickets will be shared between his touring crew and the #WeNeedCrew relief fund. Here is Niall talking about the show and the sharing of the proceeds between his own touring crew and the #WeNeedCrew fund.

The corona virus pandemic has forced many businesses to close and has significantly strained the economy across the globe. The entertainment industry has been hit particularly hard, especially all the arts that are normally performed live such as music, dance, and theater. Among the people in the industry that have suffered the most are individuals that are part of the crew. The crew is really what makes any live show possible, from the band to all the technical personnel including tour, production and stage managers, lighting designers, directors, and techs, engineers, pyrotechnicians, truck drivers, security,  merchandise crew, and caterers, among others.

We Need Crew is a newly established fundraiser for touring crews. We Need Crew was founded by touring crew members and is working in collaboration with We Make Events, which has chosen Backup as the designated charity for raised funds. Backup has been supporting members of the entertainment industry during their darkest hours for years, providing grants during health and financial crises.

From the We Make Events website: #WeMakeEvents is an international movement to highlight that the live events sector urgently needs support from local governments to survive the Covid-19 crisis. Our focus is to get Government initiatives to help the industry back to work while providing support until it can fully return to work: RESTART LIVE.

We Need Crew has reached out to artists asking for support and many, like Niall, have answered the call to raise much needed funds for the most vulnerable in the entertainment industry. Niall’s band mates, Liam Payne and Harry Styles have recently shown their love and support for live crews who are suffering during this pandemic by supporting Crew Nation, the Global Relief Fund for Live Music Crews (articles published on June 17th, 2020 and on April 7th, 2020).

If you want to see Niall Horan perform on November 7th in his global livestream and at the same time support live crews, head over to the Ticketmaster website here.