June 10th, 2021: Today the Instagram account of Full Time Meals announced that Louis Tomlinson will be their guest on Monday. “This week’s celebrity guest @louist91 is taking on Tom’s kitchen challenge for the week. It can only go in one direction … (hopefully a good one?) Check in tomorrow for your full shopping list, Tom’s cookalong on Sunday and Louis’ bash at the dish on Monday 👌”

Full Time Meals is an initiative launched by footballer Marcus Rashford and chef Tom Kerridge to help with food poverty in the UK. Full Time Meals is part of a campaign called Full Time which calls to end child food poverty. By launching this campaign Marcus Rashford and Tom Kerridge hope to mobilize the public and the government to enact measures that end and safeguard against child food poverty. This campaign is part of a bigger initiative by Marcus Rashford called Child Food Poverty Task Force launched in September 2020 and formed as a coalition of charities and food businesses. The Child Food Poverty Task Force is calling the government to implement the following three recommendations: “1) Expand free school meals to all under-16s where a parent or guardian is in receipt of Universal Credit or equivalent benefit, 2) Provide meals & activities during all holidays, and 3) Increase the value of Healthy Start vouchers to at least £4.25 per week, and expand the scheme.

Programme Name: Marcus Rashford: More than a Footballer – TX: n/a – Episode: n/a (No. n/a) – Picture Shows: Marcus Rashford – (C) BBC – Photographer: Paul Cooper

The Full Time Meals initiative is simple: chef Tom Kerridge has created 52, pocket friendly and tasty recipes that anybody can cook with limited equipment and with ingredients purchased at the grocery store or corner convenience store. Tom has given emphasis in his recipes to ingredients that have a long shelf life and that are likely present in most families’ kitchens. Every Sunday morning, Full Time Meals will launch a new cook-along video on their Instagram page so everybody can tune in and learn how to cook the dish of the week. Based on their post on instagram, it sounds like Louis will have a go at the dish on a separate segment on Monday.

Louis has been very much in tune lately with the problem of food poverty and poverty in general in the UK. In the last few months he has publicly supported three causes that deal directly with these issues: a newly founded non profit called Free My Meal that finds cooked meals for people in need via an online network on Facebook (article), a petition launched by Marcus Rashford to end child food poverty (article), and a petition launched by Sam Fender in support of the homeless and most vulnerable (article). His support of Full Time Meals definitively looks like a continuation of his support for these causes! We are looking forward to seeing Louis’ bash at Tom’s dish on Monday and to learning more about Full Time Meals.